Posts by Rianne van Duinen:
Patience rewards itself
Addicted to stress
I used to be an addict.
Not the kind of addict that people judge or at least frown upon.
But the kind of addict that people kind of support in our modern 24-hour work society, because being addicted to stress also means you can get a lot of work done in a very short time.
Adrenaline does that for you. You feel great, butterflies in your stomach, you can think really clear, have loads of energy and you\’re at the top of your game.
I have always loved the pressure of waiting until the very last moment before I would do what needed to be done.
I was the kid that stared out of the window for the first 20 minutes of doing a test and then I answered all off the questions in a surge of adrenaline in the final minutes before the bell rang. I loved that feeling in my belly.
I got addicted to it.
Addicted to adrenaline.
Addicted to stress.
If you know anything about human design and genekeys, you won\’t be surpised that stress is in my hologenetic profile, twice!
And no surprise, I manifested all kinds of situations in my life that caused me stress. My adrenal glands were working overtime.
But living on adrenaline also has a downside. Our bodies are not made to deal with a constant surge of adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is great for situations that require a fight-flight response but let\’s be honest, these days we don\’t really need to survive on a daily basis. We don\’t need adrenaline pumping through our veins 24/7. It causes all kinds of physical and mental problems, like burnout (adrenal fatigue), sleeping disorders, high bloodpressure and weight gain and hairloss.
It\’s not easy to quit producing adrenaline. It\’s not the same as to quit smoking, which I did about 15 years ago. I just decided to quit and stopped buying cigarettes (and yes, it can be that easy, a real decision is that powerful!)
Adrenaline is an inside factor and it takes some time to condition your body into changing the chemical cocktail it produces for you on a daily basis.
It\’s kind of a self-supporting system. Your body produces adrenaline, that causes your mind to think certain thoughts and these thoughts cause your body to produce more adrenaline.
The only way to break this cycle is to change your thoughts.
Or to stop thinking all together 😉
It\’s all about reprogramming your body and mind on a quantum level.
I love to help my clients with that and I am about to have two open spaces in my private one-on-one mentoring program. Contact me if you\’re interested and want to learn more about what it means to work with me on that level.
Ask for what you really want
Expand your comfort zone
Healing the past
I ran into my mother the other day while I was out shopping for groceries in a shopping mall, not far from my home. That doesn’t sound like a big deal for most people, but I hadn’t seen my mother in 22 years (with a small exception when I went to see her 15 years ago to tell her and my little sister that my dad had died).
22 years of living in close proximity and yet we never ran into each other.
So, for me, standing in the cashier line and looking behind me just to see her standing there, was quite a surprise (or not, I’ll get to that later).
What surprised me most was that I felt really calm. I asked myself how I wanted to handle this situation. At that moment I felt I was not interested in recovering our relationship. I was OK with talking to her, but in a way she felt like a stranger.
She saw me too and decided to come over and talk to me, which I didn’t expect her to do, based on what I remember about her. She expressed her surprise running into me after all these years, especially since we only live 10 kilometers apart. So I asked her if she knew where I lived then and she told me that she did because she follows me on Facebook. Which was another surpise since I didn’t know she cared about my life.
She told me she was happy I was doing so great and that it was probably best to leave it with this for now. Which I agreed on and I went on to pay for my groceries.
So why did I ran into her after all this time?
Because for the past few months my focus has been on healing my inner child.
On healing the feeling of being rejected, of feeling unloved.
And as you probably know, what you focus on becomes your reality. What you water grows. And my focus had been on the past. I used NLP’s timeline technique to heal my own timeline and I used my gift of empathy to feel into my mothers life experiences and decisions and was able to forgive her.
But I kept wondering about how she feels now, after all of these years. If she ever thought about me. If she knew how well I was doing whether it was because of my life experiences or in spite of them.
And I got my answer right there in that grocery store.
She had been thinking about me and she was interested in how I was doing.
This is just one example of the law of attraction.
But what’s important to realise is that my focus has been on the past from a sense of curiosity, love and forgiveness. therefore attracting an experience that gave me answers and I look back at with positive emotions.
What emotions do you sent out when you think of the past?
Every change you make in your life starts with a decision.
And making that decision can be the scariest part, because when you truly make the decision
it’s done
it’s final
it’s going to happen
You make a commitment to yourself.
You can do whatever you put your mind to, so it’s interesting to find out why making a decision is so hard in the first place.
Most of the time it’s because there’s something in it for your ego. Staying where you are, in your comfort zone, is safe and that’s where your ego prefers to keep you. But it goes much deeper than that. There are conscious and unconscious beliefs that you are holding on to and that your ego uses to sabotage you.
Every decision you make whether it’s quitting your job, starting a business, ending a relationship or getting into a relationship with someone, is a big step into the unknown and your ego can make up a thousand reasons of how it could go wrong, and it will NOT think of just as many reasons of how it could work out perfectly for you.
So how to make that first step, how to make the decision and then keep moving?
The first step is always the hardest, after that you build up momentum and you just keep on walking.
When you have a goal, and you look at it from a distance, it looks like a long road to get there, you see all the bumps in the road, the hills to cross, the ravine you might fall into, maybe there’s even a point where you don’t see any road and you think you might have to turn around and forget all about it and everything you’ve done was all for nothing.
But when you start walking and you get closer to the obstacles you saw from a distance, you’ll find that you can easily walk around the bumps in the road, that there is a railing along the ravine, that there are steps carved into the mountain and that there are people along the way to help you along the difficult parts. From up close you see the possibilities there are. Possibilities that aren’t visible until you are walking the road and getting closer to your goal.
So becoming aware of your limiting beliefs can be very helpful and getting clear on what it is you actually want is even more helpful. Having someone outside of your situation who can help you get clear on these things could really make a difference.
If you like a little guidance along the way towards your goal(s), message me for a discovery call to find out if my private mentoring program is the next step for you.
In manifestation we talk a lot about the principle of asking. If you don’t ask for something, how would you be able to get it, right?
What people tend to forget is that we can ask for anything. So also for clarity or truth.
If we hear something, see something, feel something our EGO is very capable of filling in the blanks. We assume all kinds of things based on previous experiences, based on our upbringing and environment, based on the view of the society we live in. But is it true?
I was talking to a client the other day and she was telling me about her son who still lived at home at age 27. He was the youngest in the family and because he had always been such an easy kid growing up, she had always felt that she didn’t give him enough attention. He never asked for it or complain about it, so that was easy. When his older siblings eventually left the house, all of her attention was on him. For the first time in his life his mom was there for him all the time. And that was an easy adjustment in the family dynamics. No problem there you’d think.
But, what happened recently is that the oldest daughter moved back home and that created a whole different situation. For the first time my client found herself fighting with her always so easy son. And she was blaming herself. All of the little feelings she had while he was growing up came back and kept her mind very busy. She felt like a bad mom, she felt guilty, she was thinking of all kinds of ways to make his life easier now that his sister was back home.
Hello EGO
So I asked her: ‘Did you ask him how he feels? What he needs?’
And she told me she didn’t even think of doing that. She had just let her EGO take over and was driving herself crazy going round and round in her head about how she could stop the fighting.
Sometimes the answer is to just ask the question that’s been keeping your mind busy.
It really can be that easy.
So what’s been keeping your mind busy?
What questions can you ask to get clarity on the truth?
The universe always delivers
I woke up to fog this morning. And after my initial disappointment because I love to watch the sun come out in the morning, I realized it was a great way of the universe saying ‘there is more out there than you can see right now. You know it’s there and you need to trust you will see it when it’s time.’
And of course the sun cleared up the fog in the next 30 minutes and I was able to see the view I was expecting.
Sometimes you are too focused on something to see the amazing things that are there.
Yesterday evening I went for a walk with my husband and we were admiring two swans that were relaxing in a field. We were enjoying the sight and felt grateful.
However, we almost missed the two deers I had manifested seeing, earlier today.
In the afternoon I visualized seeing them on a walk with a client and I hadn’t thought of that until we turned around from the swans to see two deers watching us on the other side of the path. Our focus on the swans almost let us to miss out on the deers, while I should have expected them to be there.
And I felt grateful that I got to see them, even just for 10 seconds because they ran back into the forest as they noticed we saw them to.
The universe always delivers.
All you need to do is trust that everything always works out perfectly for you.