In manifestation we talk a lot about the principle of asking. If you don’t ask for something, how would you be able to get it, right?
What people tend to forget is that we can ask for anything. So also for clarity or truth.
If we hear something, see something, feel something our EGO is very capable of filling in the blanks. We assume all kinds of things based on previous experiences, based on our upbringing and environment, based on the view of the society we live in. But is it true?
I was talking to a client the other day and she was telling me about her son who still lived at home at age 27. He was the youngest in the family and because he had always been such an easy kid growing up, she had always felt that she didn’t give him enough attention. He never asked for it or complain about it, so that was easy. When his older siblings eventually left the house, all of her attention was on him. For the first time in his life his mom was there for him all the time. And that was an easy adjustment in the family dynamics. No problem there you’d think.
But, what happened recently is that the oldest daughter moved back home and that created a whole different situation. For the first time my client found herself fighting with her always so easy son. And she was blaming herself. All of the little feelings she had while he was growing up came back and kept her mind very busy. She felt like a bad mom, she felt guilty, she was thinking of all kinds of ways to make his life easier now that his sister was back home.
Hello EGO
So I asked her: ‘Did you ask him how he feels? What he needs?’
And she told me she didn’t even think of doing that. She had just let her EGO take over and was driving herself crazy going round and round in her head about how she could stop the fighting.
Sometimes the answer is to just ask the question that’s been keeping your mind busy.
It really can be that easy.
So what’s been keeping your mind busy?
What questions can you ask to get clarity on the truth?